شناسه پست: 7276
بازدید: 422

Playing guitar, adult drawing books and color pencils! Enjoy every first Monday of the month in Greenhouse Cafe/ Thinking of what I did in the last month: submitted a grant, performed too many stainings!, mastered all cases in FA step2cs and also made new friends, started writing my day-to-day diary after two months again, did my first ice skating here, ice sculpture and monopoly day, classic concert in peabody library, visited homewood and levering hall for the first time, MLK day, started using what else?🤨 وسطین روز زمستونی اینجور گذشت! و امیدوارم فردا اخرین روزددلاین باشه حداقل تا مدتی! از خط هم زدم بیرون میدونم 😆




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