سورس اپليكيشن چت Yoohoo
نسخه : 5.3
Android Native
مشاهده دمو اپليكيشن
YooHoo Android Chatting App With Firebase v5.3 – Android Chat Application
Yoohoo is real-time complete chatting app with groups and voice messages functionality. The user can send pictures, audio, video, contact detail, map location, voice messages, a user can create groups as well.
App Features
Voice Call
Video Call
Voice Messages
Group feature
FireBase Real time Chat Integration
Sent/Delivered Indication
Copy/Forward/Delete Messages
Status Updating Feature
Push Notification on new message
Beautiful Material Design
Sweet and Clean animations
Image Sharing
Audio Sharing
Contact Sharing
Location Sharing
Document Sharing
Emoji Sharing
User Guide