سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View 1
شناسه محصول: 5893
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سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو  Super View

نسخه :  Android WebView

ورژن : 2.0.4

اين اپليكيشن قابليت استفاده برروي تمامي سايت هاي اينترنتي را دارا مي باشد

مشاهده دمو اپليكيشن

سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View 2

سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View


SuperView is an Android project that allows you to wrap your website in a super simple Android app. It is ideal for single page web app with on-screen/no navigation. For example, a game, interactive page, web based slideshow, etc. If you are a web developer who wants to release an Android app, this should help you cut some corners when it comes to learning Java. There is just one config file to setup everything, simply edit the included config file.

سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View


Latest Android Studio – Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.

Java – Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Awesome Code Quality – Code is clean, consistent, easily configurable and customizable. We provide excellent support.

In-app billing – In-app billing are extra content or subscriptions that you can buy in apps on your Android device or computer. Our app has a button for removing ads on the toolbar and everything is ready for you to create you in-app purchase. If you don’t want In App Purchase in your app, simply remove key and string tags.

AdMob – Monetize your App with AdMob interstital and banner ads. AdMob is used and trusted by more app developers than any other ad platform worldwide. Use in-app advertising to show ads from millions of Google advertisers and access programmatic demand, or use AdMob Mediation to earn from 40+ networks.

Firebase Push Notifications – Use the Notifications console GUI to compose and send notifications to all supported message targets. Firebase Cloud Messaging handles the routing and delivery to targeted devices. When your app is in the background on a user’s device, notifications are delivered to the system tray. When a user taps on the notification, the app launcher opens your app.

OneSignal – OneSignal is a high volume and reliable push notification system for mobile and web applications. OneSignal provides a single UI and API to deliver messages across iOS and Android.

Deep Linking – A deep link is a URL that opens and directs a user to a specific location within an app. This app has deep linking integrated in the project. Directs the user to any web site you want.

Social Login – Our webview app has ability to login and signup with social networks like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and similar.

HTML5 videos – Our app supports HTML5 videos. In modern browsers, adding a video to your page is as easy as adding an image. No longer do you need to deal with special plug-ins or require crazy markup, you can do it with a single element. Our webview app will recognize the video and play it in full screen

Loading indicator when loading the page – Good loading indicators always give some type of immediate feedback. They notify users that the app needs more time to process the user action.

Splash Screen visible until website is loaded – Our webview app will wait until your website is loaded and then it will show the website and remove the splash screen. There is no lagging and blinking visible.

Easy to use – Our app is super simple and easy to customise, you just need to replace the existing URL with you own and your webview app is ready.

No coding skills required – You don’t have to be a developer to know how to use our app, it is supper simple. There is also a quick guide video below that will show you how to setup your awesome webview app.

Toolbar – We created a nice toolbar with few buttons your customers can use. We implemented back, forward and refresh buttons for working with your website. There is also a button for removing ads if your app has ads. Don’t worry, if your app doesn’t have in-app purchase, the button is not visible.

Local Site Content – If you have a local website, add your webisete in www folder located in the app and make sure that you have index.html file for website to work. This is perfect for web based mobile aplications like Ionic.

Geolocation – Geolocation is the identification of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar source, mobile phone or Internet-connected computer terminal. To use geolocation in our app, make sure your website supports https or this feature will not work. Our app has granted permission for location services.

LTR – A short form for ‘left-to-right’. Our app supports LTR languages.

RTL – A short form for ‘right-to-left’. Our app supports RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew and other.

Orientation change – Our app supports orientation change handling.

Responsive Design – When a website is responsive, the layout and/or content responds or adapts based on the size of screen they are presented on. A responsive website automatically changes to fit the device you’re reading it on.

Chrome engine

Download Manager – App supports downloading and uploading files from and on the web.

Material design – following Android Design Guidelines

High performance – Optimized for high performance and high-resolution displays

Local Notification

Android Multitasking supported

Activity Indicator – Native Android activity indicator while loading your URL

Cache Management

QR Code

Color shemes – Custom color design

Full screen – Video is played in full screen mode

JS Bridge – change font size (Smallest, Smaller, Normal, Larger, Largerest), create local notification, rate my app, hide native loader, show native loader, check if user purchased the item and removed the ads, get Firebase token

Permissions – runtime permissions

Image zoom – with Webview control

Orientation reload – on orientation change, site is not reloaded

Well documented

Free support

سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View

اطلاعات محصول

تعداد صفحات 1
تعداد پارت 1
اندازه 118 مگابايت
فرمت zip
زبان اورجينال
سطح عمومي
ارائه دهنده پازل
به روز رسانی
  • ابتدا محصولات مورد علاقه خود را به سبد خرید اضافه نمایید.
  • سپس روی آیکون سبد خرید کلیک کنید.
  • محصولات داخل سبد خرید و مجموع مبلغ قابل پرداخت در صفحه تسویه حساب به شما نمایش داده می شوند.
  • فرم تسویه حساب را تکمیل کرده و روش پرداخت خود را انتخاب نمایید.
  • می توانید با استفاده از درگاه های پرداخت آنلاین خرید خود را تکمیل نمایید.
  • پس از تکمیل خرید می توانید به فایل های محصول دسترسی داشته باشید.
  • در صورت داشتن حساب کاربری می توانید سوابق خرید خود را در پنل کاربری خود مشاهده نمایید.

درباره پشتیبانی محصول

کلیه محصولات پیش از انتشار توسط کارشناسان پازل بررسی می شوند اگر قبل از خرید سؤالی دارید می توانید در قسمت دیدگاه ها مطرح کنید. پس از خريد محصول درصورت مواجهه با خطا در لينك دريافت ،‌ و يا موارد مشابه و مربوط به محصول مورد نظر مي توانيد از طریق تیکت با فروشنده محصول ارتباط برقرار نماييد و يا در صفحه مشخصات محصولات از طريق كليد زرد رنگ مورد خود را جهت بررسي گزارش نماييد . در صورتيكه محصول مورد نظر را از طريق هر يك از اشتراكات ویژه خریداری نموده باشيد نيز مي توانيد از طریق پنل کاربری خود اقدام به ارسال تیکت نمايید.كليه محصولات اين سايت بدون خدمات پس از فروش مانند نصب و راه اندازي ارائه مي گردد.

روشهای پشتیبانی

جهت ارسال تیکت جدید باید وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید.
قیمت محصول
2014 نمایش
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View
5 از 1 رای
سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View


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سورس اپليكيشن وب ويو Super View

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