گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس 1
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گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس
گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس

گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس

شامل 131 جلد کتاب در زمینه آموزش بورس ، قارکس  و بازارهای مالی از مقدماتی تا پیشرفته

فهرست کتاب ها :

Forex Books for Beginners

Candlesticks For Support And Resistance — The basics of trading with candlesticks charts by John H. Forman.

Online Trading Courses — Course #1 lesson #1 by Jake Bernstein.

Commodity Futures Trading for Beginners — by Bruce Babcock.

Hidden Divergence — by Barbara Star, Ph.D.

Peaks and Troughs — by Martin J. Pring.

Reverse Divergences And Momentum — by Martin J. Pring.

Strategy:10 — Low-risk, high-return Forex trading by W. R. Booker & Co.

The NYSE Tick Index And Candlesticks — by Tim Ord.

Trend Determination — A quick, accurate and effective methodology by John Hayden.

The Original Turtle Trading Rules — by OrignalTurtles.org.

Introduction to Forex — by 1st Forex Trading Academy. This trading course intends to provide to all of the students analytical tools on the trading system and methodologies. In this respect, the purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the many strategies that are being used in Forex market and to discuss the steps and tools that are needed in order to use these strategies successfully.

The Six Forces of Forex — by Scott Owens. A small e-book covering the basic and the main problems of Forex trading.

Study Book for Successful Foreign Exchange Dealing — by Royal Forex.

Forex. On-Line Manual for Successful Trading — an introduction into every aspect of the Forex trading including detailed descriptions of the technical and fundamental analysis techniques, by unknown author.

18 Trading Champions Share Their Keys to Top Trading Profits — as the name suggests, the book shares the secrets of the 18 prominent traders with the Forex beginners, by FWN.

The Way to Trade Forex — a 1st chapter of the book that will show you not only Forex basics but also some unusual techniques and strategies that can work for the newbie traders, by Jay Lakhani.

The Truth About Fibonacci Trading — the basic facts and information about Fibonacci levels and their application to the Forex trading, by Bill Poulos.

Quick Guide to Forex Trading — a 2008 edition of the Forex guide for the beginners and private traders issued by Easy-Forex.

Chart Patterns and Technical Indicators — an explanation of the most popular chart patterns and some technical indicators, by unknown author.

Forex Trading — a rather generic all-topic guide for beginners in Forex trading, by Richard Taylor.

Trading Forex: What Investors Need to Know — by NFA. National Futures Association gives introduction to the online retail Forex trading and warns about the potential dangers of such activity.*

My Dog Ate My Forex — by Doug Breiten. A rather generic Forex e-book that, nevertheless, shares some useful insights with the Forex traders on their road to success.

Point & Figure for Forex — by James Chen. An article from 2007 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Offers a basic introduction to point-and-figure charting and shows some P&F chart patterns.

Removed by author’s request.

Introduction to Elliott Wave Theory — by Muhammad Azeem. A basic intro to one of the most popular concepts in modern technical analysis.

45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX — by Jimmy Young. A definitive list of beginners’ common mistakes that prevent profitable Forex trading.

An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting — by Erik Gebhard. An inception into Japanese candles, describes 19 most popular candlestick patterns.

Foreign Exchange Training Manual — by Lehman Brothers. An introduction to the spot, forwards, swaps, and options in foreign exchange from the now-defunct global investment bank.



Books on Trading Strategies

1-2-3 System — a simple pattern trading system by Mark Crisp.

Bollinger Bandit Trading Strategy — a trading system based on Bollinger bands indicator by unknown author.

Value Area — from The Likos Letter.

The Dynamic Breakout II Strategy — by unknown author.

Ghost Trader Trading Strategy — by unknown author.

King Keltner Trading Strategy — by unknown author.

Scalp Trading Methods — by Kevin Ho.

LSS – An Introduction to the 3-Day Cycle Method — by George Angell.

Market Turns And Continuation Moves With The Tick Index — by Tim Ord.

The Money Manager Trading Strategy — by unknown author.

Picking Tops And Bottoms With The Tick Index — by Tim Ord.

The Super Combo Day Trading Strategy — by unknown author.

The Eleven Elliott Wave Patterns — by unknown author.

The Thermostat Trading Strategy — by unknown author.

Intraday trading with the TICK — by Christopher Terry.

Traders Trick Entry — by Traders Educators of Traders University.

Fibonacci Trader Journal — a journal covering different trading techniques based on Fibonacci indicators, by Robert Krausz. 12 issues.

Rapid Forex — a set of aggressive Forex trading strategies (Rapid Forex) by Robert Borowski and Stephen A. Pierce.

Microtrading the 1 Minute Chart — a small e-book aimed on Forex newbies to teach them the basics of M1 scalping.

BunnyGirl Forex Trading Strategy Rules and FAQ — set of rules for a BunnyGirl trading strategy based on WMA crossing.

The Daily Fozzy Method — by Michael Dunbar.

Forex Trader’s Cheat Sheet — real Forex cheat sheet for position entry times/conditions by Quantum Research Management Group.

Offset Trading — a basic Forex news trading range breakout system by Dana Martin.

How to Trade Both Trend and Range Markets by Single Strategy? — by S.A. Ghafari.

A Practical Guide to Technical Indicators; Moving Averages — by S.A. Ghafari.

FX Wizard — essential Forex trading rules by Rob Walton.

FX Destroyer — a description of a rather simple Forex trading strategy, involving moving averages, parabolic SAR and ADX indicators, by Izu Franks.

A Practical Guide to Swing Trading — a simple and practical guide to the swing trading strategy, by Larry Swing.

Practical Fibonacci Methods for Forex Trading — practical guide to Fibonacci levels with the real trade examples of the Forex strategy based on these levels, by Ken Marshall and Rob Moubray.

Using The Heikin-Ashi Technique — a short but detailed guide to trading using Heikin-Ashi charting technique, by Dan Valcu.

The Day Trade Forex System — an indicator-based strategy with detailed description, chart examples and minor advertising, by Erol Bortucene and Cynthia Macy.

5/13/62 — a revised and updated EMA-based Forex trading strategy explained in the 3-grade language, by Rob Booker.

Not So Squeezy Trading Manual — a description for the rather interesting trading strategy that utilizes indicators package under the same name, by Akuma99.

KobasFX Strategy — a simple MA+MACD Forex trading strategy by Obaseki O. A.

Killer Patterns — a simple trading strategy based on MACD and trend lines by Philip Birchley.

3D Trading — a detailed description of a trading strategy that employs Elliott Waves, price & time patters, Gann rules, Williams’ Percentage Range and MACD indicators; by Ruben Topaz.

4 Hour MACD Forex Strategy — a set of rules and recommendations for the 4-hour MACD strategy that also uses moving averages and horizontal lines; by Phillip Nel.

WRB Analysis Tutorial — the first three chapters of the WRB Analysis Tutorials by TheStrategyLab.com. It covers the basics of the Wide Range Bars and Hidden Gaps chart formations.

Consolidation Breakout Signals on the Forex Market — an introduction to consolidation patterns breakouts by Duane Shepherd. It offers some examples but lacks some explanations.

The Impact of Economic News on Financial Markets — a study of effect some important US economic news have on currency pairs — by John C. Parker.

Crowds, Crashes, and the Carry Trade — a research on how carry trade crowdedness amplifies the carry trade crashes — by Valeri Sokolovski.




Books about Advanced Forex Trading

A New Interpretation of Information Rate — by J. L. Kelly Jr.

CCI Manual — by James L. O’Connell.

Nicktrader and Jeff Explaining Reverse and Regular Divers — from Woodies CCI Club Discussion From January 15,16 2004.

NickTrader on No Price CCI Divergence Trading — by Nicktrader.

Are Supply and Demand Driving Stock Prices? — by Carl Hopman.

The Sharpe Ratio — by William F. Sharpe.

The Interaction Between the Frequency of Market Quotes, Spread and Volatility in Forex — by Antonis A. Demos and Charles A. E. Goodhart, a scientific article from the Applied Economics.

Trend Determination — by John Hayden, a quick, accurate and effective methodology for trend determination on the financial markets.

Trend vs. No Trend — by Brian Dolan an article from TRADERS’ Magazine July 2005 issue, which deals with the trend/no trend paradox encountered by many traders who think that “the trend is your friend”.

A Six-Part Study Guide to Market Profile — by CBOT professionals — it describes the concept of the market profile in the smallest details.

How George Soros Knows What He Knows — by Flavia Cymbalista — the study of George Soros’ market reflexivity.

Core Point and Figure Chart Patterns — by BlueChipOptions.com — a set of point-and-figure chart patterns and explanations of their application.

Coder’s Guru Full Course — by Coder’s Guru — a full course on MQL development (programming for MetaTrader 4) that will help you develop your own custom indicators, trading scripts and automated expert advisors.

Point and Figure Charting: a Computational Methodology and Trading Rule Performance in the S&P 500 Futures Market — by John A. Anderson and Robert W. Faff — a scientific reasearch article that clearly defines P&F trading rules for 8 chart patterns and then tests them on 9 years of high-frequency data for S&P500 futures. The results are worth looking at.

Evolving Chart Pattern Sensitive Neural Network Based Forex Trading Agents — by Gene I. Sher — a research paper on a new approach to train and evolve neural networks that are able to carry out Forex trading decisions based on geometric properties of currency charts.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Economic Analogues of Basic Physical Quantities — by Soloviev V. and Saptsin V. — an attempt to transfer some of the basic physical notions to economics with experimental analysis of the Forex, stocks and commodity time series.

The String Prediction Models as an Invariants of Time Series in Forex Market — by R. Pincak and M. Repasan — a research paper on application of the string theory concepts in foreign exchange trading.

Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Forecasting of Forex — by V. V. Kondratenko and Yu. A. Kuperin — one of the pioneering research papers on application of the neural networks in Forex forecasting.

The New Elliott Wave Rule — Achieve Definitive Wave Counts — by T.S. Henessy — an explanation of a way to deal with Elliott Wave occurrences that seemingly defy the normal Elliott Wave counting rules.

The Predictive Power of Price Patterns — by G. Caginal and H. Laurent — a successful test of eight Japanese candlestick patterns, which confirms the validity of the predictive nature of technical analysis





Forex Trading Psychology Books

A Course in Miracles — A Christian view on the probability by unknown author.

Thoughts on Trading — Some general thoughts about financial trading by Joe Ross.

Calming The Mind So That Body Can Perform — by Robert M. Nideffer, Ph.D.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Pipped — by Rob Booker & Kim Shaftner, M.D.

The Miracle of Discipline — by W.R. Booker & Co.

Zoom in on Personal Trading Behavior And Profit from It — by Linda Bradford Raschke.

The Woodchuck and the Possum — by Rob Booker.

25 Rules Of Forex Trading Discipline — by Douglas E. Zalesky.

Stop Losses Are For Sissies — by W. R. Brooker & Co. — a rather descriptive evidence of how important stop losses in Forex trading are.

Your Personality and Successful Trading — by Windsor Advisory Services — describes and discusses almost all psychological and emotional aspects of financial trading.

Trading as a Business — a book about developing a psychological attitude toward the trading, creating a trading strategy and following it, while treating trading as a business, by unknown author.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Forex (and How to Avoid Them) — this book by Marc Low lists 7 most popular emotional and psychological pitfalls that wipe clean the accounts of even the talented Forex traders.

The 5 Steps to Becoming a Trader — a book by unknown author. It lists the 5 steps of the Forex trader’s way to becoming successful.

Enough to Be Dangerous — by Brian McAboy. The book offers an alternative approach to solving psychological problem of trading. Serves as an introduction to the author’s webinar.




Forex Market Books

Screen Information, Trader Activity, and Bid-Ask Spreads in a Limit Order Market — An in-depth work on a Limit Order Market by Mark Coppejans and Ian Domowitz.

Strategic experimentation in a dealership market — by Massimo Massa and Andrei Simonov.

Limit Orders, Depth, and Volatility — by Hee-Joon Ahna, Kee-Hong Baeb and Kalok Chan.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator — the best of the best book on financial trading by Edwin Lefevre.

Market Profile Basics — by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan.

Quote Setting and Price Formation in an Order Driven Market — by Puneet Handa, Robert Schwartz and Ashish Tiwari.

Phantom of the Pits — General thoughts and opinions on trading and market by Arthur L. Simpson.

An Introduction to Market Profile and a User’s Guide to Capital Flow Software — by J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne.

The Effect of Tick Size on Volatility, Trader Behavior, and Market Quality — by Tavy Ronen and Daniel G. Weaver.

Trading as a Business — by Charlie Wright.

What Moves the Currency Market? — by Kathy Lien – Find out which economic factors help shape the short-term and long-term Forex landscape.

Macroeconomic Implications of the Beliefs and Behavior of Foreign Exchange Traders — by Yin-Wong Cheung and Menzie D. Chinn.

All About the Foreign Exchange Market in the United States — by Sam Y. Cross — a general review of the Forex market made by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1998.

Money Management Forex Books

Risk Control and Money Management — by Gibbons Burke.

Money Management — A chapter from The Mathematics of Gambling.

Position-sizing Effects on Trader Performance: An experimental analysis — by Johan Ginyard.

Fine-Tuning Your Money Management System — by Bennett A. McDowel.

Money Management: Controlling Risk and Capturing Profits — by Dave Landry, a short but educative guide to money management for the financial traders.

Money Management Strategies for Serious Traders — a book by David Stendahl that tries to explain the process by which the traders can develop, evaluate and improve the performance of their trading systems based on the money management strategies.

The Truth About Money Management — an article by Murray A. Ruggiero Jr. from Futures Magazine explains the basic principles rules and advantages of the risk control and money management.

Money Management and Risk Management — a book by Ryan Jones that goes through the most important aspects of the financial trading.

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گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس
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گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس


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گنجینه کتاب های مرجع بورس و فارکس

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