اسكريپت مديريت پرسنل Hrsale
نسخه : 1.1.8
اين اسكريپت تمامي قابليت هاي مورد نياز مديريت پرسنل يك محيط كاري را در اختيار شما مي گذارد مانند مشخصات پرسنل ، ارتباطات داخلي ،پرداختي ها ، وظايف ، اسناد و مدارك و غيره
HRSALE provides you with a powerful and cost-effective HR platform to ensure you get the best from your employees and managers. HRSALE is a timely solution to upgrade and modernize your HR team to make it more efficient and consolidate your employee information into one intuitive HR system.
Get rid of the paperwork and spreadsheets floating around your office and Turn into beautiful online people database with employee profiles.
NOTE: White Label version is available, contact us for a White Label license. You can rebrand this license and can sell the white label license to your customers.